They support STOP.

“S.T.O.P. is a cause close to my heart. It is shameful that so many women and children are still being enslaved in such a brutal manner and subjected to sexual servitude in this modern day and age.”
Jessye Norman
Founding Member
Soprano opera singer

Doctor Denis Mukwege
Nobel Peace Prize 2018
Honorary President of STOP
“ I am very proud to be supporting Stop Trafficking Of People, a humanitarian organization that is fighting for a cause that is very dear to my heart: the fight against sexual slavery. Trafficking in persons for sexual purposes is considered by many to be an unpleasant subject and is too often treated as a low priority. The number of victims is increasing every day. No country in the world escapes this scourge. Fighting it and helping to fight it is a huge task that should mobilize us all.”
Board Members
Anthony Aalto
Bernard Bajolet
Former Director General
of External Security
of France
Randy Becker
President of NexTV Entertainment
John Blaney
Former US Ambassador
to Liberia (ret.)
Jacques-Paul Klein
UN Under
Secretary-General (ret.)
David Robinson
Jean-Marc de la Sabliere
Former French
Ambassador to Italy
Souren-Georges Seraydarian
UN Assistant
Secretary-General (ret.)